I obtained my undergraduate diploma at University of Novi Sad (astronomy and astrophysics). After my undergrad studies, I did a master course on astrophysics as part of the AstroMundus master course. During those 2 years, I have had the pleasure to be a student at University of Innsbruck, Padova and Göttingen.

Upon obtaining my master degree, I was employed by the University of Freiburg where I worked for XENON collaboration. My research was focused on electric field simulations for the latest upgrade of the detector.

Due to personal reasons, I have decided to stop the employment in Freiburg and pursue a research in cosmology. Since October 2020, I am a postgraduate researcher at Newcastle University. My research focuses on modelling and mitigating the intrinsic alignment of galaxies in weak lensing measurements. I am part of LSS DESC.